Dear Brother Scott
Firstly, I would like to wish you a hearty Mazel Tov on being awarded the well-deserved Mitzvah Man Award from Lodge Galil.
Your selfless acts of donating all the food for your lodge events, resulting in further donations to other charitable organisations, namely Ronald McDonald House, Friendship circle and others, as well as prizes goes a far way in living up to our Motto, "Ve Ahavta Le'recha Kamocha, Love your neighbour as yourself".
Your regular attendance on both Lodge Galil and Lodge Tikva meetings is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for contributing so selflessly to ensuring that the flag of the Hebrew Order of David files high in Houston.
May you continue with your good deeds.
Stay Safe
Yours Fraternally,
W/B Avron Krasner Grand President
All communications to be addressed to The Secretary
P.O. Box 46063 Orange Grove 2046 58,Oaklands Road , Orchards, Johannesburg 2192, South Africa Telephone +27-11-640-3018
Fax +27 11 640 3807
Dear Brother Scott:
On behalf of the officers and board of North American Governing Lodge HOD, I want to congratulate you for receiving your well deserved Lodge Galil Mitzvah Man Award.
Your generous donations of meat for barbeques, drinks, prizes for events and more have been a major contribution to the success of Lodge Galil and the organizations you all support. Most importantly, it is the generous donation of your time which the late Rabbi Noach Weinberg calls the biggest mitzvah.
May you continue to inspire and lead your fellow brethren by example. You make us all in HOD proud.
Until we meet again, be healthy, well and safe.
In Achdut,
Worthy Brother Alan Smirin PRESIDENT North America Governing Lodge HOD
Alan Smirin Keller Williams Realty 404-784-3200 Alan's LinkedIn Profile