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International Bowling Tournament
1. Each Lodge team will consist of 4 players at $75.00 per team
2. Teams must be submitted no later than Feb 25th 2024.
to Lodge Tikvah (
3. No limit to the amount of teams per lodge and is open to spouses' girlfriends and children.
4. Teams will bowl through the month of March at their respective bowling ally's.
5. Each team will bowl 3 games and after each game will take a snapshot of the scores and add all 3 games up for a cumulative score.
6. Each team leader will fill out the form and submit it to Lodge Tikvah. (
7. Closing date for the tournament will be March 31st and the winners will be announced worldwide on April 7th. A trophy will be shipped to the winning team along with the Lodge name and team member names engraved.
8. The trophy will be kept for 1 year and will be shipped onward to the winners of the 2025 tournament.
Good Luck Bowlers
Note: All Funds, will be held by Lodge Tikvah in a fund known as the (HOD Help Fund) to be given out to any HOD Lodge that needs assistance….(this will be decided by NAGL)
Wor. Bro Ivor Segall
HOD Lodge Tikvah - Donate (
or mail checks to
HOD Tikvah
9214 Spellman Rd, Houston, Texas, 77031
(c) 2020 Hebrew Order of David
Lodge Tikvah, Houston, TX