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Birthright Israel Fund Raiser urgent appeal

  • 3 Apr 2023
  • 5 May 2023
  • North American Lodges

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Due to recent cuts in philanthropic funding,

please read the letter below from our Lodge Tikvah President,

Bro. Ray Sass:


We are very pleased to announce that HOD North America has partnered with the Birthright Israel Foundation to provide busloads of young Jews a life-changing trip to Israel.

The fundraising campaign will kick off on April 18, 2023.

Message from Bro Ray Sass, HOD Lodge Tikvah President:

Greetings Worthy Brethren and Brethren,     

A new and exciting HOD endeavor will be launched soon.

Our Hebrew Order of David International (HOD) has initiated a fundraising campaign with the Birthright Israel Foundation to send busloads of young Jewish participants, aged 18-26, on a life-changing Birthright Israel trip to Israel.

A busload of forty young adults will cost $180,000. This campaign has been enthusiastically endorsed on a recent video call with all the North American HOD Lodge leadership. It was unanimously agreed that this would be our worthy fundraising project for HOD across the United States and Canada.

Birthright Israel has an urgent need for funding. Over the last 25 years Birthright Israel has sent over 800,000 young people on an educational trip to Israel from 68 countries worldwide! It has been shown that on returning from this trip, many participants become leaders in their Jewish communities, feel strongly connected to Israel, are far more likely to marry within the Jewish faith, and they have the confidence and understanding to counter the unfortunate anti-Israel propaganda, such as BDS, they see on college campuses and social media.

A trip like this is truly a life-changing event!

Demand remains high as there were 32,000 applicants for 12,000 North American spots this summer, leaving 20,000 hopeful applicants behind.

Our HOD Brethren will reach out via email, personal appeal and social media involving their networks of family, friends, and business associates. The campaign will stay open and active for at least two weeks, beginning April 18, 2023.

I am appealing to you to participate in investing in our children.

We need 100 % commitment from our lodge members. We are counting on each of you.

Our Lodge leadership is already kicking off the fundraising with three commitments: one of $ 1,000 and two of $ 1,800 each.

HOD North America has already secured matching funds of $160,000.

Bro. Raphael Berkovitz has graciously agreed to head up our fundraising committee for this exciting project.

I wish everyone a Chag Sameach, a kosher Passover.


Bro. Ray Sass

President HOD Lodge Tikvah

* * *

The IRS lists Birthright Israel Foundation as a 501(c)(3) non-profit. All donations are entirely tax deductible by the law.

I urge all brethren who can to donate $18.00 or more to kick this project off.

(c) 2020 Hebrew Order of David

Lodge Tikvah, Houston, TX

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