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Hannukah at Goldberg Towers
In keeping with a lodge tradition
but due to Covid,
This year we will in full food compliance package ponchkas or suvganiot, Hannukah gelt and some extra goodies, and
deliver them to the residence of Goldberg Towers and maybe do a sing along outside....
This event has been ongoing thanks to Linda Schkedy wife of Bro Clive Shkedy.
we are always happy to help and sponsor this event
V'Ahavta Larecha Kamochah
We will meet at 7614 Ludington at 9.30am
pack 71 small packages and then will need 8-10 Brethren to deliver them to Goldberg Towers and drop them off at assigned room numbers...
(c) 2020 Hebrew Order of David
Lodge Tikvah, Houston, TX